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Word Up!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1 (NKJV)

Once upon a time, my Bible was a just a book that I would pick up every once in a while when I decided to go to church (which wasn’t very often when I started living on my own). I had random church programs and bulletins stuck between pages; and I do mean literally sticking to the pages. In some areas, you can see where the ink came off the paper and “stained” my Bible. Now if you see my Bible, it has a new cover with highlights and notes throughout.

This represents the transformation within me. Back then, I recognized God when it was needed. It wasn’t on a daily basis. Now I can’t go a day without acknowledging Him – through prayer, praise and worship, and the Word. A regular relationship with the Bible means a stronger relationship with God - knowing who He is, His wisdom and power. (Don’t negate that all three areas (praying, reading, and worship) are key in a healthy relationship with God.)

When we know we’re created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and that in the name of Jesus, we have the authority to defeat the enemy (Luke 10:19), then we know who we are, too. This is our self-awareness. This is our identity. The Bible isn’t just some book with good stories for moral relevance. It’s our biography. It’s our guidebook. Yes! This is who we are! This is how we can navigate through life!

In my faith walk, I’ve researched how to hear from God, and 100% of what I’ve found leads me back directly to the Word. If you’re looking for answers from Him, a simple word from Him, a reminder that He’s still there, use the Word to connect with God, reconnect with God, rekindle the fire. He’s waiting for you. He wants to tell you many things – about Himself AND you. He wants you to know who He is. He wants you to know who you are. The world can’t tell you, but the One who made you can.

I don’t believe the Bible will ever get old to me. I don’t believe God will stop showing me new things in His Word. I believe He will continue to show and remind me who He is. He loves us so much that He didn’t want us to try to figure this thing called life on our own. His Word is true (John 17:17). His Word is living (Hebrews 4:12). His Word is forever (Isaiah 40:8). His Word is for you (James 1:21)!

Love you, but God loves you more!

Prayer: Lord in the name of Jesus, I just give you all the glory and the honor. I thank You for life, and the promise of living life more abundantly. Thank You for tearing the veil, so that we can have an intimate relationship with you through prayer, worship, and the Word. Thank You for revelation. Thank You for your promises. Thank You for simply being God! I lift up each person reading this that they will discover, re-discover, or dive deeper into Your Word so that Your glory can be revealed in their lives for our lives are not our own. You created us with purpose on purpose for such a time as this. Let Your will be done, Lord. All glory and honor. Forever and ever. Amen!

If you have never given your life to Christ, but think now is the time; or you have before, but strayed away and now ready to come back, check out the Prayer of Salvation page. Romans 10:9 (NKJV) says,”That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

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